Feeling under the weather? This is how much you need to sleep when sick!

Feeling under the weather?


We cannot stress the importance of sleep enough, so here we go again. Do you know how much sleep you need when sick? There is a very strong correlation between the amount of time needed for recovery and the sleep you need to get on a daily basis.


Why is sleep vital when you are sick?


First of all, sleep is not only vital when sick. Sleep is incredibly important also when in good health. Science has found that most health issues depend on a good night rest to be solved. More important, not getting enough sleep might complicate things even more.


So how much sleep do we need when sick? Well, this is highly depending on the severity of your illness and your age. To keep things simple, we have a simple rule of thumb; add at least one hour of sleep to your regular routine when sick. Children under the age of five should get at least 13 hours of sleep when sick.


Falling asleep can be a little tricky sometimes, especially when feeling sick. Therefore, we have compiled a few tips to help you fall asleep more easily.


Create a good sleep environment. Room temperature is important to make you feel comfortable, we recommend a temperature around 18 degrees Celsius, which is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure your bedroom is completely quiet and darkened. You might benefit from a humidifier in your room. Dry air can be extremely uncomfortable when feeling sick. This can result is more coughing, sore throats and respiratory problems. Avoid alcohol and elevate your head, this helps with postnasal drip and coughing!


Read the full article here:

Source: https://www.chronobiology.com/feeling-under-the-weather-learn-how-much-to-sleep-when-sick/

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