APRIL 11, 2019 – WELT PARKINSON TAG Der 11. April ist Welt-Parkinson-Tag, und in diesem Monat finden auf der ganzen Welt Veranstaltungen statt, um das Bewusstsein und die lebensnotwendigen Mittel für die Erforschung besserer Behandlungen und letztendlich einer Heilung zu

How melatonin supports the immune system

The immune system is more relevant today than ever. This system ensures that we do not get sick from various viruses and bacteria. A weakened immune system therefore makes us more susceptible to disease. Melatonin is a nighttime hormone that

Blue light: What is it? What does it do and how can be block it?

What is blue light exactly? And how does it work? Are there glasses that filter blue light? There are quite a few questions regarding blue light, besides that there are divided opinions regarding blue light. Blue light is the subject

Marathon running in combat outfit and with an adapted biological clock

This article is written in Dutch by Joyce de Bruijn: https://amazingerasmusmc.nl/actueel/marathon-rennen-in-gevechtstenue-en-met-aangepaste-biologische-klok/ Professor of Chronobiology Bert van der Horst, professor of the biological clock, was glued to his laptop at 8 a.m. on Saturday 24 October. From minute to minute he

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